Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Before and After

I have been thinking of coloring my hair for a long time (cuz that's what I do.....think about things). I thought about the financial angle - was it good stewardship? And the do-I-really-want-to-start-something-I-have-to-keep-up angle. And in the end the vanity angle won! I am just too young to be gray. Lord willing I have about half my life left to live. When I was asked about my grandson (our 2 year old) I knew it was time. So here I am last night at the I can read party, badly in need of a cut.


Here I am now! Moments ago in fact. They did an overall color and then highlights, so I blew my wad, but I absolutely LOVE IT! I was very nervous about what my husband would think, but he loved it right away too. In fact he said it reminded him of what I looked like when we got married!! (a very good thing). I told him I needed a spiffy new outfit to go with my spiffy new 'do and he agreed!

Now if I could just lose about 50 pounds overnight........


  1. Good for you! I'm keeping this in mind myself...with strawberry blonde hair I've heard that red hair is hard to color. Then which shade of reddish blonde to pick? I still just get tickled seeing that couch! lol

  2. You are gorgeous!! You've always been beautiful but I can tell already that you feel more confident...you're glowing. I love it and can't wait to see it better in person!
    If you need a shopping partner for your new outfit, let me know. :)

  3. you are beautiful - before and after!

    enjoy your new hair!!

    p.s. i badly need new clothes too... soon maybe. or maybe not.

  4. Hi - This is Beth from the TOG loop; I've been enjoying your blog. We seem to have quite a bit in common - 5 kids, use TOG, same list of things I think I do but really do not ( LOL), and I recently spent a bit to triple highlight my hair and really love it.

  5. Beth,

    Did you post a pic of your new hair on your blog? I have been checking your blog from time to time too!

  6. Thanks targetshopper!

    I may call you for clothes advice.....:-)

  7. Laurie,

    Start looking at people's hair and when you find someone who has hair similar to yours that's highlighted, ask her where she has it done. That's how I picked my stylist (she works at Fantastic Sam's and I knew I was going there for cost and convenience, but there are about 20 ladies who work there who all know how to color. I picked this woman because I saw her do several other's hair and she always picked the perfect shades).

  8. I love it! I agree with targetshopper--you are glowing!! Good for you!

  9. Hey Sweet Secret Sister,
    I love the new do. You look great!
    You have a beautiful smile, no matter what color you hair is.

  10. Hey Pam!! You look great! I think you made the right decision. Doesn't it feel just wonderful? You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. I appreciate all of you support to other women on the TLT list. Blessings and I really enjoy your blog!
    Dody from the TLT

  11. GRANDSON?!?

    Ok, that's worse than my neighbor and the checkout girl asking when my baby is due (I'm not pregnant). Way worse. (I told both that it's not a baby, just "leftovers" from the other three.)

    Even in the before picture you don't look like you could be anyone's grandmama!

    (here from TOG)

  12. You guys are all my new best friends!!!

    Thanks for your encouragement. It's really very nice to feel pretty.

  13. Love the new "do." It's so YOU! :) Congrats on the color -- it's simply lovely.
