Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New piano student!!

Our son L had his first piano lesson today! He has wanted to take lessons "forever", but we wanted to be sure his attitude toward practicing matched his zeal to begin. He has been asking for over a week how many more days until my piano day? I am thrilled that he wants to learn, and thrilled that he has this new thing to be uniquely his. Our daughter, who is in her 4th year of lessons, is not as thrilled as I am (after all, piano used to be something that was uniquely hers), but this is good practice for her to be happy for her brother. He really is very excited, despite his goofy expression in this picture. He was trying to look "cool". Notice the tops of his hands are not at all parallel to the keys - guess we have some work to do!
Our daughter G began work on her timeline notebook for the first time this week. She is learning to be careful in all she does and to take pride in a job well done, and she particularly loves anything artsy. She did such a fabulous job on these figures!

The roofing crew called a rain day today, so we rescheduled for tomorrow. And yes, it really did rain! They didn't just call a rain day cuz they felt like it. :-) Our school was interrupted this morning when a crew came to drop off all the shingles. I'm not sure they have had an audience before, but the kids and I stook outside and watched the entire process of getting the conveyor belt in place, loading each package of shingles onto the conveyor, and then stacking them on the roof. It was really interesting! I love homeschooling.
My husband took the kiddos to Awana tonight so I got a couple hours alone! I baked bread and did my Pilates tape. Ugh. Love the bread, hate Pilates. It just occurred to me that they are sortof opposite of each other.......hmmmm. I really am working on the losing weight/being healthy thing but it's so hard. It took years to come on, so I know it will take years to take off, yet I keep hoping it will magically disappear overnight. I do know from experience that those things you work hardest for tend to give you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, but the weight issue is a particularly hard one for me to keep a good attitude about. Maybe it's a stronghold, cuz I sure seem to get discouraged about it very easily. I need to pray about that, and if the Lord leads you, please pray for me too!


  1. Prayed, dear one. May God grant you JOY in exercising and eating healthily. (And me, too, please!)

  2. I remembered my first piano lessons! I loved the homeschool at construction academy! lol We have those days too! I'll be praying to hang in there! My extra weight gathers around my hips and that is so hard to take off. It is a commitment thing. I have a Pilates book but maybe I should look into a Pilates tape? It's never at the top of my want to do list. Now if I could have one of those walking machines in front of a tv and I could watch videos, HGTV, etc I'd be better. I did this in the hotels during vacation and it made the time fly.
