Saturday, May 9, 2009


As our 6 year old son C was racing his bike around our cul-de-sac at full throttle, I hear the following conversation (if you can call yelling at each other as he flew past a conversation):

Neighbor girl Lily: "C_____! (insert his name in a long drawn out tone) Come play house with me!"

C: "I am playing house with you!"

Lily: "But you're not getting off your bike and coming into the house!"

Girls and boys think and play so differently, don't they? Funny.


We were at the bank this past week so that daughter G could put some money into her savings account. She usually puts in 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 dollars at a time ~ it makes me smile. She is slowly working her way to $100 (that's her short term goal) and she's at $81 so far! Anyway, the rest of us were sitting in chairs waiting for her to finish, and another teller walked up to talk with us.

Teller: "Wow, 5 children, I bet that keeps you busy!"

Me: "Yes, it does. Busy and happy."

Teller: "Are they going back to school tomorrow?" (our local public schools were closed for 2 days after a suspected case of swine flu)

Me: "Well, we homeschool so we're actually in school right now."

Teller: "Oh my goodness, you have 5 children AND you homeschool? I don't know how you do it."

Son G, without missing a beat: "No-one knows how she does it."

It just cracked me up ~ I do hear that alot and I guess he's been listening!

(and the answer I gave is I do it with lots of prayer, one day a time!)


  1. Just took a quick peek by your blog before shutting down for the night. Amen to boys thinking and playing differently than girls. And I LOVE G's response to the teller!!! Congratulations to Miss G, too, for working so diligently toward her goal.

    Give all five of them a big hug for me!!!

    Love, Marsha

  2. We both laughed at G's response. Have I told you laughing hurts the most of all the things I do? Try not to be so funny next time. ;-)
