Thursday, September 3, 2009


Little Man is now playing peewee soccer. We weren't even going to play soccer this fall, but the league was desperate to have experienced players return, so they offered to pay all costs for any of our children who wanted to play, and once finances were taken out of the equation my soccer crazed husband and children completely overruled my protests about "protecting the schedule". But I digress.

Anyhoo, Little Man is getting his first taste of the game, and he is currently in LOVE with soccer and completely enamored with the fact that he gets to play. The other night he asked me,

"How old are the other kids in puny soccer?"

Just cracked me up!!

(and this is in no way intended as a complaint against the league, to whom we are extremely grateful for their generosity!)


Our daughter G, to her brothers as they were picking sides for a game: "I'm not on either team, I'm just your ally ~ which means I help you."


We have paired up our boys, 2 to a room, and they have developed their own "buddy system" with their roommates. Lately Little Man has been repeating this phrase every time he prays: "And thank you for my buddiness with G."

It just blesses my heart!


  1. Aww...buddiness! That is so adorable. We could use some more buddiness around here. Maybe I should make them share rooms again.

  2. All of these are just so precious and how wonderful that the soccer league took care of the finances. So are all 5 playing soccer??? Does this mean I cannot complain about 4 playing soccer at one time?

  3. Not all 5 Beth, just 3, which is the most we've had at one time. Yes, you are crazy having 4 play at the same time!! ;-)

  4. I'm so glad they are able to play soccer...and these "overheard" posts always crack me up!

  5. Well, FM#2 and the DP will be on the same team, so it will be like only 3. Also, I put them in different leagues and one starts earlier and ends earlier than the other, so I will only have a month overlap of all of them playing at the same time. Unfortunately, next spring, I'll have 3 in baseball and one in softball and none on the same team. I will need another parent then -- or maybe two.

  6. AWWWWWW! I love the buddiness comment. That is too precious!
