Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Week in Review

We finished our 9th week of school on Friday! Can't believe we are already through all of Year 4, unit 1 of Tapestry of Grace. We are taking a week off from our history studies, and will begin unit 2 a week from tomorrow. We had hoped to have a unit celebration this week, but instead are using it to finish reading a few books and wrap up some hands on projects. Hopefully we'll have a unit celebration later, or combine a couple units into one celebration. We are in the 1920's right now, building up to the stock market crash of '29 and the beginning of the Great Depression. I am really looking forward to going through this with the children, drawing parallels and also pointing out differences between the lives of people then and people today.

In our Bible time we are currently reading through John. We are up to chapter 7 (we go slow!). Here is Little Man's picture of Jesus walking on water! See the boat next to him? I think it's pretty good! Little Man has developed a great love of drawing and coloring, much like his older brother G (with whom he shares a room). It's so fun to see him at work.

He added Peter to the picture, when Peter tried to walk to Jesus but got scared of the waves and began to sink.

I have been praying about ways to increase sibling love and bonds with each other, and God gave me a brainstorm last week. During our morning prayer time I had each of the children pray for the person on their left, so everyone was praying outloud for another member of the family. It was incredibly encouraging to see what a difference that made in our home throughout the day! Prayer works!!

We painted pumpkins this week, an annual fall tradition in our home. The children have lots of fun planning what designs or faces to put on their pumpkins.

We did our usual work in math and spelling and grammar and reading and science. Here is Little Man doing preschool math ~ counting out 10 animal crackers on each plate!

Our 3 soccer boys had their last regular game of fall season. It was freeeeeeeeezing on Saturday! (almost, but not quite, literally) This picture was taken during Little Man's game. During the older boys' game later in the day, we got to sit through a steady rain as well. :-) Our older boys have one more game on Monday night with a team that is not in our league, and after that we are D.O.N.E. None too soon.

We are still awaiting our new mortgage payment paperwork, and therefore also waiting to order our new furnace. We have been staying warm even without a furnace, due to space heaters and our fireplace, and for that we are very grateful. God is good!


  1. Loved hearing about all you are doing. Esp loved the Bible pictures and hearing about the effect of prayers.

    We had a cold, rainy sports Saturday too. Just a few more weeks here for us.

    Thank you for watching the video and caring for these precious children. It is hard not to bawl, isn't it?


  2. Oh brrrrrr! I'm trying to keep warm in VA!

  3. Cute pumpkins! Ours doesn't look so cute...

    It looks weird to see you all dressed up for the cold with the grass under your feet still green. That isn't how it works here in the south!

    Good job on finishing the unit! I really enjoyed year 4.

  4. I love the painted pumpkins! And the picture of you at soccer...yikes!! I'm so glad that my kids don't play. I would never survive. You are a good and brave mom!
