Monday, October 25, 2010


There is a huge tendency among women in general, and homeschool moms in particular, to compare ourselves to others and find ourselves lacking. I can see what another homeschool mom is doing and think, "I should be doing that", or carried to the extreme, "I'm a loser at this and should just put my kids in building school." I know this because I have done it.


It is terribly destructive. It takes our eyes off Jesus and fosters discontent and even envy. God has unique plans for each of our families, and we need to focus on the priorities He has given to us, not those He's given to someone else. We answer some day to HIM, not to each other.

If you are a homeschooling mom who uses Tapestry and you don't do unit celebrations, that is okay! If you are a homeschooling mom who doesn't use Tapestry at all, that's fine too! If you don't homeschool but instead trust the education of your children to others, that's great! It grieves me to think there may be those who read about our hands on activities or our unit celebrations and feel inadequate. If that is you, please stop reading my blog.

I'll be honest and tell you a little secret that feeds into our unit celebrations. We have a very difficult time finishing home maintenance projects here at our house. A set of beautiful half finished wooden bunk beds has been sitting in our garage for 6 years now, while our cars are parked in the driveway. There is a hole in my kitchen ceiling, made by an overly enthusiastic Jedi knight, that will probably be there until we sell the house someday and are forced to fix it. My biggest fear in starting our schoolroom expansion project this past summer was, what if we never finish it?

Psychologically, it makes me feel so good to have a unit celebration and mark that 9 week period of study as DONE. There are so many other things in my life that are not done.

My friend Guinever uses the Student Activity Pages that come with Tapestry each and every week. We are hit and miss with those.

My friend Marsha hits English grammar really hard. Us, not so much.

My friend Sally has an immaculate house. She would disagree with that, but she'd be wrong. ;-) She comes here and enjoys our artsy craftsy clutter. I go there and enjoy her nice, clean home.

I have friends who play with their children more than I do with mine. Some who do a much better job at teaching household chores. Some who do bulk cooking.

You get the point.

Can we learn from each other and be inspired and motivated by each other? Of course! This is one of our God given purposes as women, to encourage and mentor one another. But God has wired us all differently, and if we let those differences cause us to envy or doubt our own calling, or focus on our inadequacies rather than the complete adequacy and awesomeness of God, that is WRONG!

So, as I share about things we do in our homeschool, please keep in mind that I am striving to be faithful to what God has called our family to do, as one who will give an account.

And that as long as I am supervising hands on activities, I don't have to dust. :0)


  1. What you have written has never name me feel inadequate. Rather, it has given me lots of good ideas for my kids. When I first found your blog, I was researching homeschool and my kids were little. I spent some time reading and have "stolen" lots of your activities and suggestions for preschoolers:) We are using Sonlight for our daughter's kindergarten, but TOG has me intrigued too. I'd love to keep hearing about it, as I'm not sure with 4 kids that I could keep teaching Sonlight long term.

  2. Amanda,

    That is the exact reason we went searching for something else! We happily used Sonlight for 3 years and I loved it. But when I tried to wrap my brain around doing 3 cores at once, it just sent me over the edge. We searched for a curriculum that would allow us to keep all our children together in the same time period, and found Tapestry. We absolutely love it and now I can't imagine using anything else!

    Glad you have been able to use some ideas in your own homeschool! You are welcome to "steal" any time. Most of the ideas here were not originally mine anyway! (meaning, I stole them too!)

  3. such good words of wisdom! and I do learn a lot from reading your blog too! I don't end up putting very many of them into practice but I have used some and it has been great! i've learned so much from you - thank you and thank you for your great blog!

  4. I LOVE, LOVE this post!! It makes me feel "normal" for envying all those other moms with the neat, organized home (yours and mine sound almost identical!) I always do the RUSH cleaning on "our weeks" to host our twice monthly play dates and cringe that even my best cleaning will never come close to my mother's (or several of my friends) worst days! I am artsy/crafty but have lost much of that lately in trying to run here and there and implement a different curriculum (a la TWTM EXACTLY as it was written.) Not only are we constantly feeling "guilty" about not completing it all but the house is MORE messy, no fun crafts or activities are being accomplished, and I feel more like a "fusser" than a teacher. After much prayer- I am returning to TOG and was very blessed to find your blog- this article in particular! What a great testimony and reminder about what's important and leading the lives God has set for US. Using the specific talents HE gave to ME. :) You're wonderful! Thanks SO much for the encouraging words! Much love and blessings to you!
