Monday, October 4, 2010


I love weekends! But they are always too short.

For the first weekend in a long time I was able to be on my feet much of the time and do quite a few things in the kitchen to prepare for the week. The more prep I can do on the weekends, the smoother our week goes, but due to my heel pain the past several months I have not been able to do very much.

This weekend I:

cooked up 10 pounds of chicken, cubed some and shredded some
cooked 10 pounds of hamburger
cooked a crockpot full of black beans (started with dry beans) ~ this made the equivalent of 10 cans, all ready to go into recipes!
made a batch of homemade laundry soap
baked 4 loaves of bread
baked 26 banana muffins

Still to be done:

Finish cleaning the kitchen from all the cooking and baking!

I tend to take cooking and washing dishes for granted, until I can't do them. And then I realize what a gift it is just to be able to care for my family in the way that I want to. Chores become blessings. Work becomes service. I am so very grateful for the ability to serve my family!


  1. Busy busy busy! Good for you on preparing for the week - I haven't gotten to that point yet...don't know if I ever will, but for now I'm thankful to be getting back into the habit of planning weekly meals and shopping lists/trips more regularly and not just "winging it" all the time!

  2. Good for you~I'm so glad you were able to get all of that done. I wish I could come over and help you! I would if I could..... Love you! Rosie
