Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Man - Christmas Singing

The four and five year olds sang in church last Sunday. It was precious, as always! A teeny bit bittersweet for me, as this is our last year to have a little person singing in this group. I took this video during rehearsal before the worship service, but I *wish* I had taken video during worship also, because Little Man spent the entire time making the biggest, most exaggerated faces possible.

Did I just say the experience was "bittersweet"?? ;-)

Little Man is in the back row, dark green sweater with a white collar. My friend votemom's youngest two girls are in the black dresses with white polka dots!


  1. They are just so sweet! I'm so glad that you posted this because I missed them on Sunday. I'm sad along with you that this is your last year! :(
