Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I have a new family room.... :0)

Pictures coming tomorrow!


  1. I know! Cruel, right?

    Want to do one more thing before taking a pic of the whole room! It's AMAZING and I love, love, love the new color!!

  2. It is tomorrow and I see no pictures!!!! You in big heap of trouble now.

  3. Super busy, somewhat stressful day. Pictures not gonna happen tonight. But Lord willing tomorrow!

    For now, just know that the room color makes me very happy!

  4. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I thought you were just staying up late. If it would help, I could come visit and see it in person. There's an idea!

  5. Beth, that would be awesome! If I hold out on the pics, does that mean you'll *have* to come??!

  6. I can make it in October or maybe next spring. Maybe you need to go ahead and post.
