Sunday, April 29, 2012


 We officially have a fifteen year old in the house!  Here are her happy looking presents, before opening.  We let her open before dinner this time, mostly because we were on pins and needles and couldn't wait!

We gave her a bunch of clothes, and......  a little matchbox car with a note saying she was signed up for driver's ed class.  Whoo-hoo!!!!  She knew it was coming eventually, but did not know we had arranged it in time for her birthday.  She was very happy. :-)  After the festivities were over, we collected from her half the cost of the class, as was our arrangement (she has been saving for over a year for this!).

For her birthday dinner she requested salmon, mashed potatoes, and fruit salad.  Yum!

We celebrated my amazing father-in-law's birthday too.  94 years young! 

The day after her birthday we took the day off school and went to an historical venue.  The birthday girl got to pick whatever she wanted to do and look at.  We had a fun time!  Behind the children you can just make out the steam from the train that is heading toward the station.

We found this log full of turtles sunning themselves!  So cute.

For the first time in a long time, I got to ride the carousel without holding on to a little person.  Daughter G and I rode next to each other.  Fun!

Later that evening we experienced yet another milestone.  I dropped her off at a movie theatre where she was meeting a girlfriend and seeing a movie with her.  First time to just drop her off and go!  She is definitely growing up, and I am growing with her.  Every time she does something new, it is another lesson in letting go, and in learning how to parent a young adult versus parenting a child.  It is new ground, and for me a mixture of scary and exhilarating.  So thankful God is with me and I am not walking this new ground alone!


  1. Can you do parent as teacher driver's ed in Michigan? I still don't have the papers back from the state for Gregory to beginning his classroom portion = frustrated mom and child.

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. It is a learning process to watch and guide them as they grow up. I think the teen years are a lot of fun too though! Hugs to you!
