Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Sunday Afternoon Project.....

....organizing the front closet!  May not look like much to you, but compared to before it is a vision of loveliness.  The snow boots are on a shoe rack hidden behind the coats.  It is so nice to get them away from their previous home beside the front door!  Gloves/mittens are matched, odd ones thrown out, and too small ones put in a bag for the Salvation Army.  Same with the socks in the top drawer, and the soccer socks in the second drawer.

Two hours well spent.  This is what I did instead of watching the Patriots cream the Texans.  I am not a fan of the Patriots.  And if I do anything else when a football game is on, you know it's serious!


  1. indeed!
    i think all the solo mittens and gloves must be on a beach somewhere with all the solo socks.

  2. That's why the Texans lost! You weren't there cheering them on. ;-)
