Saturday, June 8, 2013


Son L, lamenting doing his math: "I can't wait to get to algebra.  It has got to be easier than this."

Daughter G:  "L, there are two kinds of people in the world...algebra people and geometry people.  If you get algebra, geometry will probably be hard.  But if algebra is hard, you'll probably get geometry really well!"


  1. That is so true! I was/am so incredibly bad at algebra. I never have understood it at all. But geometry, I totally understood and aced all four quarters. Could barely eek out a B in algebra. Not looking forward to entering those years, let me tell you. Blessings.

  2. yes, true for most people. i got all A's in geo and barely got out with a C- in algebra.

  3. I'm the weird one. Loved them both. Still love doing a little algebra or geometry for fun. Love applying it to real life.
