I can hardly believe our kind, sweet, beautiful daughter is 14! The years have flown by. But though I may glance back now and then with a grateful pang, I truly am looking ahead. With her. Looking to see what God has in store. How will He develop and use her gifts? How will he shape and mold her? What will her high school years be like? I am excited to see what God has in store for our sweet girl, who has brought us so much joy these last 14 years.
Happy, happy birthday daughter G! I am blessed and grateful to be your mom!
fourteen years. wow. i'm glad God gave G such a lovely, sunny day to celebrate the day of her birth. plz tell her i said "HB!"
Holy cow - I think I blinked! That year went fast! I remember your post about her 13th birthday. Happy Birthday G. I pray that God would continue to guide you in the direction He has planned for you. May He bless this next year.
Happy Birthday! It does go fast, doesn't it?! Bittersweet. I'm glad you are blessed with a delightful daughter. I understand your feelings so well.
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