Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday's Thankful Things

 Our college girl is home!!

She had a good year in room 105, and I am so thankful.

Good relationship with her university-assigned room-mate, and they were still friends at the end of the year. :)

Other amazing friendships with the girls on her floor developed.  They were truly her second family.

Transition back home has been mostly smooth.  The normal "what do I do with myself now" thing has been happening.....since her summer job doesn't start until June.  She is the same, yet different. Same sweet personality.  Same capacity for fun and for relationship.  More independence.  More growing up.  More "life" outside of her family.  Which is all good!

She realized she could read a book for pleasure, instead of for class. ;)  Happiness!  (Eragon, for those who want to know which book)

And on sunny days there has been a lot of THIS happening....

She is recouping and refreshing.  And we get to see her every day.  Her first year went so well.  And it's paid for!

So much to be thankful for today!

1 comment:

votemom said...

soooooooooooo much for which to give thanks!