Before splitting up into our two groups, young 5's and the writing class, each week one of the older students reads a Bible story to everyone and leads us in prayer. This has been a great practice for all our older children in reading to a group, including younger siblings, and praying outloud. Here our daughter G is reading about God's promise to Abraham that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars.
They arranged chairs into a jet plane shape, and "flew" to Jerusalem.
F.L.I.C. is the name that all the children gave to our co-op. We took nominations, voted the following week, and the winner was "Families Learning In Christ". Isn't that a great name?
While in Jerusalem, they wore head coverings.
Apparently they serve red jello in Jerusalem!?!!?
Meanwhile, the writers each shared their compositions from the preceeding week and learned the ins and outs of writing a topic sentence and a clincher sentence. This is a very important concept in writing which will only become more significant as they get older and write more sophisticated papers for school ~ I think they got it (I'll find out tomorrow!).
FLIC is also the first initials of all my children. I think that gives them free rides on your airline.
Thanks so much for posting your 'J' day! I found you while googling for our preschool here in Oregon. We're at a Young Life camp and several Moms and I just started up the preschool this Fall. I can't wait to see your other ideas! We made the jello and had a great time!
Thanks again for sharing!
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