I found 3 pair of pants that fit me great and are very comfortable, as well as 6 tops. Any guesses how much money I spent??? (answer at end of post)
Here is one new outfit ~ white 3/4 sleeve, v-neck top = $3. Blue pants = $4.
And here it is again with matching snap up sweater ($4).
Total for 3 piece outfit = $11
(masked superhero = priceless!)
Here is a nice green blouse I fell in love with for church on Sunday.
Another white top, this one a sweater with a white on white pattern.
Another every day top.
And one more green blouse. This one is very sheer and needs a white cami or tank top underneath, but is made of a really soft fabric and feels GREAT on!
Total price for 9 articles of clothing.......$33! All the items look store bought new, and one nice thing I love about buying used clothing is that it's already shrunk as much as it's going to shrink, so the way it fits in the dressing room is the way it's always going to fit. For $33 I maybe could have purchased 3 items at Target or Kohl's if there was a really great clearance sale going on. Maybe. But instead I got several outfits that fit me well, are comfortable for my lifestyle as a stay at home/homeschooling mom, and make me feel great!
I was literally happy dancing at the store! (remember that fun music they play?) And my husband was SO happy that I was able to buy a few new things for myself. He is so sweet.
I encourage you to check out the thrift stores in your area ~ why pay retail when you can pay so much less? Coming soon.....thrifty clothes shopping for kids.
You go, girl! I'm so glad that you could find these beautiful clothes... :-D
I had not considered the shrink factor--that gets me everytime. I end up with too short or too loose because things don't shrink like I expect them to.
This is great! I love good buys like this. This doesn't always work for me because of my size but I do try. Do you yard sale? My best yard sales were on military bases, which I'm guessing there aren't any near you. If there is and you have a military friend to take you on base, those are the best ones. The best quality for the best price. With the constant moves the people have to keep getting rid of stuff so there are nice things. I did get a gorgeous wardrobe from one lady and at the top of my head I still have the beautiful vest. And her clothes were laced with perfume! I felt quite indulgement when I brought all that home.
Awesome finds!! I always LOVE a good trip to a secondhand store! Echoing your sentiments - why shop retail if you can find such nice things secondhand?
Congrats on your new clothes! Yippee!
I love all the pictures and the new clothes. There is nothing like a new white sweater! The green looks great on you too! You'll have to let me know where you went.
I have recently become a HUGE fan of Thrift store shopping. Mostly I do it for the kids (got 42 pieces of clothing for $50 last time). I, too, would love to know where you went!
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