Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Job Interview Update

The interview yesterday afternoon went well! Thanks so much for your prayers. My husband is the first one they've interviewed, however, so now we wait and pray and trust. He liked the company really well, and all the people he met. He thinks he would like the work too. It would be challenging, but challenging in a good way. They are actually hiring for two positions, a senior developer and a software architect. My hubby would be happy with either one, but is hoping for the architect job, as that is the direction he would like to go career-wise.

Meanwhile he is busily working at his two part time contract jobs (that add up to one full time job). They were supposed to have ended by now, yet he is still working.

We are grateful for the Lord's provision on every level!


Angela said...

praying that he will be chosen if that is God's perfect plan and that you will know soon! it definitely sounds like a great fit!

Targetshopper: said...


Nancy said...

i will be praying that everything continues to go well.

my husband was finally offered a job after 5 months. what a tremendous blessing!

God is good and i know He will provide! :)

take care...