Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our Week In Review - Biology

Our ninth grader started the year doing Apologia Biology on her own at home. By Christmas it was apparent to me that we needed some outside accountability, and some help with the lab work. I looked around and was able to enroll daughter G in a biology class for second semester. They recently began a series of dissections, and so far they have done a worm (pictures below), a crayfish, a perch, and last Friday a frog! (I watched, and it was super cool!)

Besides the frog, the worm was surprisingly the most interesting! There is an incredible amount of stuff inside a worm, and it is easily identifiable which makes the students feel like they are doing it right. :0) The crayfish's parts were very hard to identify.

So thankful for this outside class, and the opportunity G has to do labs with other homeschoolers!


Dana Leeds said...

That's terrific! I remember dissecting those things in college. Unfortunately (maybe?) my daughter was created (by God!) with such an intense love for animals that she is anti-dissection. So, we'll be doing virtual dissections when we get to that point.

We'll be doing Apologia's General Science next year. I bought it last week and have started reading it 'just for fun' and to get a head-start. I was a biology education major after all - I love science!

Dana Leeds said...

P.S. I enjoyed dissections and didn't mean to imply anything against them.... although I do understand my dd's point of view!