Thursday, July 14, 2016

June Happenings

In no particular order....

Praying for and sending our youth off on a mission trip!  Son C is in the bright yellow shorts.

Pool fun with friends.

Our day camp counselor daughter on "wacky Wednesday."

Two of our boys went to a conference style christian camp for a week.

They had a marvelous time in every way, and I have seen spiritual fruit in their lives since they got back.   Thankful for all the ways God teaches and grows my kids in their faith!

Vacation Bible School week at church....the VBS worship band included four of our children!  Two guitarists, one keyboardist, and a singer (daughter H's legs can be seen on the far left, so she is in the picture, too!)

This year we all worked at VBS except.....

for Little Man, who went as a VBS camper for the last time.

Fourth of July at our family cottage (son L and daughter G).

Mind reading.

First, second, and third cousins!

Love to hear son G's drumming!

Concert in the park with friends.

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