Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As all the children were coloring and I was reading about women getting the right to vote in 1920:

Little Man: "So you can vote mommy?"

Me: "Yes, I can!"

Little Man: "But that means you'll be the President-Mommy!"


Last night at the dinner table:

Daddy: "Who can tell me the name of the Treaty that officially ended World War I? It starts with v-v-v."

Son L, after wildly raising his hand: "The Treaty of Various Places???"

(betcha haven't heard of that one, have you?!)


lazy susie said...

Nope, haven't heard that one...or the president-mommy either. I wouldn't want to be president!

Beth in Texas said...

The Treaty of Various Places -- priceless. And he was so sure he was right, or else, just really wanted to answer a question. LOL

Targetshopper: said...

so funny. The picture in your previous post of C reading to Little Man is just so precious!