Thursday, September 25, 2014

2014 Vacation, Part 1 ~ Hands on Science Museum and Amusement Park

 Hands on Museum ~ super cool!

 Amusement Park!

This is not a good picture, but it's the best I could get...sons G and L are in the very front car with their hands in the air.  They were being shot onto a runway at 120 mph to a straight vertical climb, immediately followed by a straight face-down vertical drop at 100 mph.  They kept their hands up the entire time (all 35 or so seconds of sheer terror!).

Son G's hair when he got off that ride!

An exhilarating day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooo!! You're back!!!! And looking at your two posts and the pictures is bittersweet: I L O V E connecting with your life via blog reading. And I L O V E my nephews and nieces, whom I am especially missing now that I have seen all these wonderful photos!!! Ack!
My hug and kiss to your hand and big toe. Wish i were closer, to cook and run errands for ya, sis. Love, and scrunchy big hugs to all!! ~ Aunt Debbie