Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Double Digits, Little Man!!

Our baby is now ten.

Excuse me while I go have a tearful mom moment.

Okay, I'm back.

I'm thrilled that Little Man is growing and learning and maturing as he should, but there is a part of me that knows I will miss having kids in the single digits.  For so long I couldn't imagine NOT having children that young, and I woke up this morning and found that none of them were anymore.   It's cool but kinda weird too.

We started celebrating his birthday a couple days early when we took two friends to see the third Hobbit movie!  It was enjoyed by the boys and declared "awesome."

His requested birthday dinner was mac and cheese and jello.

Art kit from his oldest sis!

Minecraft play figures from his brothers.

Lego play book from his WA grandparents.

Oh wow....could this really be.....

the Minecraft "diamond" sword and battle ax????  Cool!

Happy, happy birthday to the fun, delightful, sweet, lovable, smart, and tender-hearted youngest son God blessed us with!  We love you!

1 comment:

votemom said...

my anna-bug would be very covetous of those gifts!