Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Birthday Week!

Well, we've done a lot of living since last I posted!  I had a birthday, which wouldn't necessarily be noteworthy except my mom came to visit for a week during that time, and she introduced me to the idea of having a whole birth WEEK instead of just a birth DAY.  We went and picked up our college girl so that all my chickies were home AND my mom was here for my birthday - perfection!

When we picked up daughter G we got to see this recent project she had made for her 3D art class.  It had to be geometric, and made from wood.

Out for lunch on my birthday.

We found grafitti alley!

One thing I really wanted to do while my mom was here was to have a fun girl outing.  We went to a pottery painting shop and created together!

This is what I made.  I used my mom's and both my daughter's fingerprints for the leaves.

And after it was fired in the kiln.  I love it!!

 My mother in law and my mother!  Two special ladies.

Brother and sister.....always such a treat to have daughter G home!  (even if they are bonding over her new smart phone)

It was a great week and I felt very celebrated!

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