This is daughter G's nature journal after we returned home. She found lots to draw and write about!
Son G trying a bark rubbing.
Son C painstakingly drawing the leaf that is lying next to his journal.
As we walked we talked about how Lewis and Clark had to take quick notes or collect items while they were traveling, so that each night when they made camp they could write a detailed description of what they had found. They had to write by campfire or lantern light of course, and with a quill pen dipped in ink! Having tried writing with a quill pen and learning how difficult it is, all of us could appreciate the amazing sketches that Lewis and Clark both made in the margins of their journals. It was a wonderful afternoon of learning, "naturally"!
Thank you, Lord, for the amazing world you've made for us to explore and subdue. We praise You, the Creator, and thank you for the variety of creation you've given us. Help us to be observant and always curious, and help us to care well for the earth and its inhabitants.
what a beautiful day for your expedition! could it have been more perfect??!
I realllly like your new template on your blog - email me sometime and tell me how to make one like it? Purty please?
Fellow Togger
My blog neeeeeds help and yours is so cute and does what I want - the background STAYS PUT and the center scrolls AND has a white background!
Your nature journal and nature walk look wonderful! Where are y'all in TOG right now?
How wonderful !! Charlotte Mason said "We are all meant to be naturalists, each in his own degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things." You new Naturalists-In-Training might enjoy Edwin Teale's books as a read aloud.
God Bless.
Wow, that is beautiful and plentiful work! My son does beautiful work, but to accomplish the same amount G did, would have taken him 4 weeks at least!
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