Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Week in Review

Actually, here are the last two weeks in review. Our biggest new news is that the 4 older children have all started Tae Kwon Do! They love it and we are excited about all the positive benefits we are already beginning to see. For our son with SPD especially, anytime he can do physical activities that cause him to cross the midline (opposite hand/opposite foot) it helps his brain organize information. Their classes are in the late afternoon, after school work is completed. BIG motivation to get their work done!

One of our new acquisitions for Little Man this year was this set of alphabet magnets that are magnetized along their entire backside so that they leave an impression of the letter on a Magnadoodle. This was a big hit!! I got them from Rainbow Resource.

Found time to can 12 quarts of peaches. Wish it were more!

These are Napoleon flapbooks that the 4 older children made after we read a book about Napoleon. I asked each of them to write what they remembered, and for the 6 year old he told me what he remembered and I wrote for him. This shows our daughter G's closed book on the left, and our son G's open book on the right. Daughter G drew a map of Europe behind Napoleon to illustrate his thirst for power and conquest.

Little Man learning the concept of more/less. "Do 3 chicks weigh more or less than 2 pigs?" (great little dollar store find!)

Our son L doing math and auditory processing therapy at the same time.

I will admit, I am exhausted. This week in particular was VERY full. But I am also filled with thanks to God for His daily strength, for the privilege of teaching my children at home, and for all He supplies in order for me to do the work He has called me to, not only at home but also in MOPS and co-op. He is good!

1 comment:

votemom said...

i'm excited that your kids are doing tae kwon do! R did it for 2 1/2 yrs and earned his black belt. he loved it and i loved all the character building.