Friday, August 14, 2009

My Husband Got a Job Today!!!!

After almost 9 very long and trying months, my husband was offered a job today!

We are beyond thrilled and humbled, and just very, very excited.

We also have mixed emotions, because a "yes" to us also means that today several others are hearing "no". In many ways this trial changed us. We have learned to depend on the Lord in new ways, we have been stripped of so many of our dependencies and facades. We have been broken in order to be remade. And I want to be remade into something new and different. I don't want to go back to the old me. Will having a job cause me to depend less on the Lord and more on my husband's paycheck? That tendency will be so hard to resist. Lord, help me.

But under and over and around it all, we are profoundly grateful to our loving God. Rejoice with us!

Father God, thank you for this amazing display of your provision today. We are so very grateful to You for all You have done for us! Please help us to keep our eyes fixed on you, even during the good times of employment, when it *appears* that we don't need You as much. Lord, we know that is a lie. We utterly and completely depend on You for everything. Keep us close to You and help us to walk in step with Your Spirit. We are so humbled that out of all the jobs my husband could have gotten these last 9 months, You chose THIS one for him. Make him a blessing to those around him in his place of work. Use this job in his life, to continue molding him into the man You want him to be. Thank you for your direction and your love and the grace You give to live each day. We love you, Amen.


votemom said...


emma said...

my mom texted me this afternoon when she got your email and i exclaimed out loud with excitement...and the people i was with don't know you so it was a little awkward haha

but omg i am so excited for you guys - God has truly shown Himself to be faithful.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! PTL!!! The weirdest thing - right as I was clicking on the link to your blog a thought ran through my head "he got a job"...WOW!! And there it is! Awesome news!

Lona said...

Oh, thank you, God!

(blubbering here, with joy)

Leslie said...

Rejoicing and praising God with you! Wonderful news! I understand the fear of losing what you have learned, but I know that God is faithful and that the seeds that have been planted will continue to grow as you depend on Him! Congrats on the new job!


Laura said...

Incredible news! Praise God for all that you have learned and for His provision. Congratulations.

Targetshopper: said...

such wonderful and fantastic news Pam!!! Rejoicing with you over this answer to prayer!! I'm just so happy for you!!!

Targetshopper: said...

oops, sorry that I used your name. After you read my comment I will understand if you delete it! Sorry!!

Dana Leeds said...

Praise God!!! And, you are so right... it is so easy not to trust in God when life is kind of easy and going smoothly! May God continue to bless you & your family, especially through your dh's new job.

BlessingintheBattle said...

WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What wonderful news!

Adrienne XO said...

How wonderful! I rejoice with you. I have been keeping up with your blog and was so excited to read the post! God never forsakes us!

Adrienne from Theological Kids

Keri Harrison said...

We are SO HAPPY for your family - God is faithful!

MarshaAnne said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!

Rebekah said...

What a blessing! I have really appreciated your openness and honesty in sharing what you have been going through.

It has been such an encouragement as we have dealt with cut hours (for both of us) and adoption expenses. Tomorrow we are paying for Michelle's adoption CASH! We haven't touched Steven's loan yet, but it is such a blessing to be able to pay cash for this adoption instead of going further into dept.

God is good. ALL the time. ALL the time, God is good!

Susanne Barrett said...

Rejoicing with you, Pam -- what wonderful news!!!!!!!

Thanks be to God for His good gifts!!!!! :) :) :) :)