Saturday, April 17, 2010

Soccer Season Has Begun!

Today was opening day of our spring soccer season. We froze our little patooties off, sitting through two back to back games today! On Thursday it was 84 degrees here. The children were sweating and begging for ice cream. Today it was 42 degrees with a cold wind blowing. Brrrrr......

Despite the cold, I do love watching soccer, especially when one of our children is playing! Son C is playing for the first time in his young life. He was nervous but did a great job and afterward said it was "very fun". Yay! Sons G and L are playing on the same team again, and they also did a super job today. I love to watch them progressing in their skills and knowledge of the game.


Renee said...

Your boys are SO CUTE!

Beth in Texas said...

We've had so weather like that recently but I think ours is all over with now.