Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Observation (and foot update)

I have been going to physical therapy four weeks already (and was just approved for 4 more weeks). As I am there about two hours each time, two days per week, I have seen a lot of other people come and go through the PT clinic. Some of them are on crutches or using walkers, obviously injured or recovering from surgery. Others walk in straight from work, nicely dressed, and it's hard to find anything obviously "wrong" with them. Do they ever wonder why *I* am there? Limping is unusual for me now, so my issue is less obvious than it used to be.

Observing so many people who are all coming in because they are in pain has reminded me that we just never know the hurt someone is experiencing. They may look fine to us, but actually be in a lot of pain (I got really good at hiding mine). The same is true for soul wounds. People can be functioning on the outside, but be in tremendous pain and turmoil on the inside. I'm thankful for the reminder to pray for each person I come in contact with, because they are probably dealing with all kinds of things I know nothing about. I'm also thankful that God does know. And that He cares deeply for everything that concerns us. (I Peter 5:7)

Regarding my foot.... I have made significant improvement in several areas, and my pain has definitely decreased, but I have quite a ways to go yet. I had a very frank discussion with my PT yesterday about the probability of ever running again, and meeting my life goal to run a 5K before I turn 50 (only 10 months away!). I really appreciated her honesty. She told me that if I am to run again, pain free, I need to lose weight. The extra weight I am carrying around is significantly contributing to the pain I feel, because it all ends up being carried around on my feet. I have known for a long time that weight loss would make a healthier me, but I don't think I directly connected weight loss specifically to the health of my feet.

The good news is that even a modest weight loss would be FANTASTIC for my feet. My PT told me that 10 pounds off the body is like 50 pounds off the feet. Isn't that amazing? I cannot do any exercise that puts weight or pounding on my feet, but I can do anything else. Which means I can bike. She said I can push myself to bike as much as I can. So, I am biking now for exercise. I started today. And I started working a diet plan yesterday ("diet" in the broad sense of the word, meaning what you eat) that mainly involves smaller portions and no eating after 8:00 p.m. I am hoping that these things combined will help me to lose weight so that, ultimately, I will be able to walk and run for exercise once again. My short term goal is to be 5 pounds lighter by the end of April. I think I can do it!

If I am not able to run pain free by the end of summer, I will change my 5K run goal to a 10K bike goal. For me, it's all about managing expectations. :-)

If you think of it, please pray that I can maintain motivation and consistency!


Teacher/Mom said...

I can do that prayer for sure. And I'm with you on the weight loss. I started going to Curves almost 18 months ago. And while I had a small initial loss, I haven't lost in a while. It is keeping me better conditioned, but that is all. If my hubby would allow me to not buy sweets and snack foods, then my problem would be solved. I pray that the LORD gives you a strong will power.

Targetshopper: said...

Very good observation and great reminder! It is hard to see the pain that people are in unless it is crippling or they invite us to see it. Thank you!

I will definitely be praying for you regarding motivation and consistency! I so want you to be able to run that 5K!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

you go girl! so glad to hear of less pain for you, dearest.
Love you pound for pound and way past 50.
your younger sis, <3

Beth in Texas said...

I have a touch of arthritis in my knee. When I don't have any sugar, the pain almost completely goes away. I sent you an email about the exercise program which makes it completely go away.