I have so much to do for each child, heading into this next school year, I hardly know where to start. Little Man will be learning how to read, the 4th grader will be starting
IEW for the first time (writing), the 6th grader will be adjusting to middle school and being prepared each week for virtual co-op, the 7th grader will be adding in daily science (Apologia General Science), and the 9th grader will be adjusting to high school, two online classes, and the rhetoric level in history and virtual co-op! There are still a few subjects we can do all together, but this year in particular they will each be at very different levels. Is there enough of me to go around? I feel very discombobulated and somewhat overwhelmed right now. Need to pray and make a list, and just START preparing, I guess. Maybe take it one child at a time? Or one subject at a time?
I scheduled 4 painting projects for this summer. It may have been too much. But each of the children was promised a "new" bedroom and I just
want to paint the family room. Summer is the only time I have to do projects like that. We have one down, three to go. In fact, I am supposed to be scraping wall paper border off G and Little Man's walls right now, but instead I am blogging about it! ;-)
Daughter G will be leaving Sunday afternoon for her first ever mission trip. It is to a nearby town, doing work projects. She is really excited, and I am excited FOR her! We are doing laundry today, and shopping for a few odds and ends she needs. She doesn't have many clothes, because homeschoolers don't need many. So we have needed to buy a few more so she'd have an entire week's worth without doing any laundry. For the past year we have been giving her a $15/month clothing allowance, and requiring her to purchase all her own clothes (we buy coats and shoes). $15 a month is not very much, so she has become a very savvy shopper. It is tricky to find appropriate choices at times, since she is very modest and doesn't care for bling. It's amusing, gratifying, and fun for me to see the clothing decisions she makes!
There is so much I could do in the kitchen. Maybe I should do that instead of scrape wallpaper border today?
We worked yesterday to help prepare a new home for a mother of four children who recently left her abusive husband and has never lived on her own before. It was hard, gratifying work. I felt so humbled, and so, so, so very grateful. It led to some good conversations with the children about God's best plan for families, His plan for the roles husbands and wives have in the marriage relationship, and how to be the man/woman God intends for them to be. Very, very sobering.
I am very tired today. Maybe I should take a nap instead of scraping wallpaper border?