Thursday, February 14, 2019

Washington vacation - time with loved ones!

Well, it's been several months and I need to get our wonderful Washington vacation wrapped up, so I'm doing a big photo dump of family and friends that I love and got to see while in WA!

We did lots of game playing........

.....and baby admiring........

......and hanging out with childhood friends who are also now grandmas!

My wonderful third "sister", who lives in England and was able to come at the same time that we were there!

We had lots of meals and game time on the deck.

Aren't my parents cute?!

My niece Liz with my great niece.

My cousin and her husband!

Daughter G with one of my wonderful aunts!

Me and my sisters with our cousin.

Me with another wonderful aunt.

My "little" family of 7 walked over to my niece and nephew-in-law's house and had a pizza and game night one night.  It was delightful to see my niece in her own home, a happy wife and mother.  And my nephew in law earned a lot of street cred with my boys with his awesome game playing skills!

Breakfast out.  This skillet breakfast was DELICIOUS!

My sweet sister Debbie.

One night we went on a cruise on the local bay.  Here is my dad, son L, and my wonderful hubby.

You've heard of a baby moon vacation before an expectant couple has their baby?  This was our "college moon," wonderful time with our new college freshman right before he moved away to school.

Me and my beloved sisters.

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