Sunday, April 13, 2008

Did you Know....?

Did you know that if you go to Sam's Club at 8:30 on Saturday morning, it's easy to find a good parking spot and there are no lines at check out?

Did you know that if you go to the library first thing when it opens on Saturday morning, there are also no lines at check out?

Did you know that if your daughter stays up until nearly 2:00 A.M. at a church event your entire family will suffer the consequences for about two days afterward?

Did you know that if YOU stay up until nearly 2:00 A.M. reading a good book, you will have to work really hard at not letting your family suffer the consequences for about two days afterward?

Did you know that if you don't set the alarm for your "quick nap" you will oversleep and have to serve frozen waffles for dinner?

Did you know it can snow in April?

Did you know that it is such a blessing to receive forgiveness from your child when you have inadvertantly embarrassed them in front of their siblings?

Did you know it is possible to watch the same scene from a movie 4 times in one day?


votemom said...

i did know each and everyone of those things!

i take it G went to club crash?

hope you all have a sound night's sleep tonight.

p.s. go to bed early mom!

lazy susie said...

Yes, Pam. I did know about the oversleeping of the nap, but frozen waffles for dinner sounds WONDERFUL to me!

It snowed here in MO this morning and yesterday.

As for the children staying up until 2 AM--we found that out the hard way and now have a No Slumber Parties rule. That was the same party where they were exposed to lice! We have a No Lice rule also.

Pam said...

Votemom: Yes, G slept over at club crash Friday night. It was her first (and last, since she'll no longer be in Pioneer Girls) time to stay all night, so it was something of a milestone. She is a night owl anyway, but having to get up at 7:00 after going to sleep at nearly 2:00 just about did her in. She had a great time though! And she loved the devotional and the SONG sung by your lovely adult daughter! She said it was really nice to be sung to at bedtime. :-)

Lazy Susie: I like your no lice rule!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...I can relate to some of these. And I have a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe for waffles for dinner which I love!