Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday to our Wonderful Son!

Such a joy son G is! He has always been a thinker, with a sensitive heart for God and others. I am loving watching him grow and develop into the man God wants him to be. Happy, happy birthday to you, my sweet "angel baby"!

(in the photo he is holding a new-to-him set of bunkbeds which are being put together as I type!)


votemom said...

the bunk beds?!?!?!?!!

what a red.letter.day for G!

happy mama too ;o)

Beth in Texas said...

How exciting! Of course, now you need to change your sidebar again. And I want pics of the bunk beds put together. Did you paint the room or is that coming this summer.

Teacher/Mom said...

Bunk beds are always fun. Ours are on different floors now. Only one more year until the big 1-3. Are you ready? May the LORD continue to bless G and grow him to be the man He has planned for him to be.

Pam said...

votemom, not THE bunkbeds. We were offered a used set and I convinced hubby that we could use them temporarily until THE bunkbeds are ready. Yes, happy boys and happy mama. :0)

Beth, the room is not painted yet. That will happen when school is out.

Teacher/Mom, Lord willing I will be ready for him to be 13 this time next year!