Saturday, February 9, 2008

Update on Little Man's Eczema

I love modern technology! Yesterday afternoon I emailed our dermatologist a couple photos of little man's legs. This morning they phoned in a prescription cream for his eczema. This does not address the problem long term, and if it persists I will be seeking a pediatric allergist, but I'm so thankful it will help eliminate Little Man's discomfort in the short term, and we were able to accomplish this without paying the $20 copay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is terrific that they looked at the photo on line and phoned in a script! Too great! My little guy has some too and he is taking hydrocortisone which is over the counter and seems to be working good for now. If it gets worse he'll need something more but just a few days of that and he's usually good for a bit. I'll have to stay tuned to how your guy is doing. Does he only get it during the winter?