Every fall when we get our first snow, we do a massive boot "try on" and see who needs new boots and who still fits in their old ones. We have purchased enough boots over the years that we have several sizes and they get passed down through the ranks from year to year. Despite this fact, three of the children needed boots last winter, but made do with hurting toes in old, too-small ones. This winter 4 of them needed new boots, everyone but Little Man, and I planned on buying them right after payday on Dec 1. Then we got the news of the layoff and I immediately began planning on what NOT to buy. Boots were on that list. Shoes are a necessity, but boots........ some would argue that they are a necessity where we live, but compared to food on the table they don't make the cut!
The day my hubby came home with the layoff news, he called one of his closest friends here and told him also. The friend said, "don't go anywhere - I'm coming right over." He drove straight over to give my husband an encouraging pep talk, assurances of prayer, and a $100 gift card to Target. He said that he had already purchased the gift card a while ago to "encourage" us, and when he learned of the layoff he thought it would be the perfect time.
So a few days later we went to Target and happily bought new boots for everyone who needed them! Isn't God good? I was so overwhelmed and humbled by this gift, and by the fact that God used it to remind us IMMEDIATELY that He would provide for ALL our needs. Tearfully, I told my husband that we didn't deserve it, and he said, "that's why it's called grace."
Grace. Unmerited favor. Something we don't deserve. God shows His grace in a huge variety of ways. This week He showed it to us in boots.
i am so thankful.
All I can think is "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."
Hugs, Marsha
Isn't God amazing! We're seeing the same thing with our "last minute" adoption right now. We were blessed by friends with Steven, but this time we're set on almost everything, including clothes and shoes to last months (and months and months!).
We were beginning the grueling process of cleaning out the back room for baby girl, and I found a style handbook/manual for you. I can drop it off on Wednesday after Steven's one year check up if that works for you.
I'm incredibly thankful too! God is just so good...all the time.
By the way, your new layout is so pretty.
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