Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mother Daughter Date

My 11 year old daughter and I went out for lunch and shopping together last Saturday. It was such a special time! I always enjoy spending "alone" time with each of our children, but this was extra special. Thanks to some gift cards, we were able to shop for some things she needed and just enjoy our time together. She is so fun and easy to talk to. And she is really growing up ~ maturing in so many ways. It is a joy to watch her develop her own relationship with God, and see ways God is helping her through the minefield of puberty. We conversed easily about a variety of topics, some serious and some light. We had another great talk about modesty vs. style, and people noticing our character and personality vs. people noticing our bodies. She had some great thoughts to share! I am so in love with her, and so grateful God entrusted her to us nearly 12 years ago. I used to gaze at her beautiful newborn face and think I couldn't love her any more than I did at that moment, but I was wrong.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!

We finally have Michelle's crib set up. Yay! Is there a good time for us to pick up the mattress? (I can borrow my parents' van.)