Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Update on my husband's job search

My husband had an interview on Monday with a contract company. We were given the impression that they had a specific job they wanted to recommend him for and were "test interviewing" him first to make sure he'd be a good candidate. The interview went well, but my husband was told that they did NOT have a specific job in mind for him and were just getting him in their database. That was a little disappointing, but we are clinging to the fact that God is in control and He has a plan. They did say he was a "good candidate", and that's always nice to hear! But we'd rather he be a "good employee".

My husband also heard back from a company he interviewed with last month and they do not have any suitable openings at this time.

He is pursuing another job possibility for a job he really wants, and we will see where that leads. Thank you for your prayers for our family. I won't lie ~ it's hard. But God is so faithful, and He is lovingly teaching and guiding us through this trial. The peace we have can only come from Him. He is good!


BlessingintheBattle said...

I will be praying that the right job comes along and for continued peace for you all. I cannot imagine how hard the waiting is.

lahbluebonnet said...

I'm praying!

Targetshopper: said...

Thank you for the update. It's good to know things to pray for specifically and I will pray that he gets the job that he really wants!

Lona said...

Prayed for the perfect job (soon) that delights his heart and pays well!

Marsha said...

I'm joining everyone else in praying for the Lord to lead your husband to His perfect job. Won't it be awesome if that job is the one your dh really wants!!! Truly anywhere the Lord leads him will be awesome!!!

Hugs, Marsha