Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Small Victory!

We made it to February without buying any more cold cereal! The children were skeptical, and some were not happy that we'd have to eat more oatmeal and waffles and scrambled eggs instead, but we did it! Here it is the 4th of February and we still have a couple bags of cold cereal left. Yay! Just had to share. :-)


BlessingintheBattle said...

Praise God for small victories!

Rebekah said...

Sorry, we definitely would still like to borrow the crib matress. We have yet to put up the crib, so I keep forgetting about it.

I also have a writer's handbook for you, but I don't have any recent Norton's books.

lazy susie said...

Those crazy kids! The oatmeal and the eggs and the muffins and the waffles and the pancakes are the GOOD STUFF! I could go for a big waffle right now!