Not only do I love watching my children learn, I also love Math U See. Love, love, love it. All our children love it. It's clear, sequential, provides lots of practice, and is the perfect fit for us right now. I was doing some research earlier this winter into other pre-algebra programs for our daughter, when she caught wind of it and insisted that I NOT change from MUS!
Here is how MUS teaches regrouping. Son C was working on problem #3, 72 + 18.
First he built the problem with blocks. The 7 long blue rods are the 70, of course, and the small orange rod is the 2. The single blue rod is 10 and the brown rod is 8. He added the units together, the orange and brown rods.
And then "regrouped" them by laying a blue 10 rod next to them to see if they added up to more than 10. We have previously learned that only numbers up to 9 can live in the units place, so once the number in that spot gets to 10, it has to go live next door with the other tens.
He removed the brown and orange rods and had just the 10 in their spot that they had added up to. Since it was a 10, it couldn't stay in the units spot and he "carried" it over to the tens column, leaving zero in the units place. Once he added up all the ten rods, he found that the answer was 90!
At first he couldn't do these steps by himself, so I sat with him and we did problems like this over and over (and over and over and over.....). By last Thursday he got to the point where he could do most problems on his own, and by this week he is not even using the blocks anymore but doing all the regrouping in his head! Go C!
You know, I tried using the base 10 blocks with my kids and the set up like MUS and they didn't like it one bit! Don't you think that's odd for SI kids? Oh well. Somehow they learned it and moved on in life. I'm glad it's working great for ya'll because I thought it was fun!
When my oldest two princesses were younger, they loved playing with the blocks. (Now their little sister does.) I worried that I wouldn't be able to wean them from the blocks. But eventually they got it. However, now they don't want to use them at all. Which is totally frustrating because I know that if they just "see" it - they will get it. But I tell you, there are days when I'm just not up for the fight. Those are the days they turn in a math page, and I simply retype all the problems into a Word document and hand it back because they did them all wrong. When will they learn that Mom knows best?! Blessings.
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