First I asked him some questions to be sure he understood, as much as possible for his age, Christ taking the punishment for his sin, and his need for a Savior. He did, and he was sure he was a christian. He was adament about that.
So we opened his Bible and went through some verses of assurance, starting with I John 5:11-12. I explained what it meant and we talked about it for awhile. Then we looked at John 10:27-30, and John 3:16 (already very familiar to him). I asked if he would like to highlight those verses and mark them somehow so they would be easy to find. He eagerly said yes.
He keeps his Bible right beside his bed and has been reading the marked verses every night right before going to sleep, and every morning immediately upon waking.
A few days ago he said to me, "it's working mommy, because I don't have those doubts anymore!"
I cannot tell you what a blessing it is to witness the power of God's Word transforming one of my own children.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." ~ 2 Timothy 3:16
"For the Word of God is living and active..." ~ Hebrews 4:12
Praise the Lord!!!
It's funny, a friend and I were discussing a similar topic at church last week. My eldest has said recently that she was trying to figure out whether she believed in Jesus because we told her to, or if she believed for herself. I think it is a step that is unique to kids raised in Christian homes. They need to embrace their faith on their own merit, not because they trust that their parents are telling them the truth. I think for kids raised with out Christ in their lives, they have more of a "crisis moment" that will make things more solid. But it is a universal experience that must take place in individual lives. Blessings.
Great job!!! I loved hearing how you encouraged him and also helped him to find it for himself! Well done. (((Pam)))
PS You can do the 5K! You can!!! I'm routing for you!!! If we lived closer, I'd train with you. I'm not ready for one, but maybe with a friend to do it with me.
Sorry about that! I deleted my double post.
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