His kindergarten experience will be different in some ways from our first child's kindergarten experience, since he has so many older siblings to try and keep up with. My personal philosophy is "better late than early" so I am committed to not pushing him to do too early what will come easily later. Still, he wants so badly to do everything his siblings do!
This week he:
made his history notebook (with his brand spankin' new scented markers!),
made a cookie dough map of Egypt,
acted like a little Egyptian boy and went shirtless!
and made papyrus and painted hieroglyphs on it.
For something fun while I worked on other things with his older siblings, I found this book where there is a puzzle on every page.
Inside each page's puzzle there was one big "shaped" piece that was fun to find!
In addition to all the history stuff he did this week, we started a couple kindergarten things just for him. He and I will be using a beginning book from the Handwriting Without Tears series. This curriculum uses wooden shapes to help the student build and trace the shapes of all the letters. Before we began using them for their intended purpose, we had a day where we just played with them and built whatever we wanted to build!
AND....(drumroll please).....the thing that Little Man was most looking forward to about kindergarten.....
his very own Math U See book!!
This was a new activity I bought him to help with number recognition. All the number puzzles link together, but they only link up with the correct puzzles on each side, so it is self correcting.
He happily linked and laced for about an hour.
And that was Little Man's first week of kindergarten!