Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Talk

He came in the door with the air of a man. Older and wiser than when he left. Possessing and pondering knowledge that his younger brothers did not yet have. He seemed a bit shy with me at first, but then eagerly told me about the slot car races he and my husband had gone to. The huge ice cream cone he had eaten. "It was a fun date," he said.

And so our second born learned about marital intimacy and exactly how babies are conceived.* I had worried that perhaps my husband had waited too long. After all, our son was 11. But it worked out very well. It was a specific, focused, and private conversation in a string of on-going conversations. Not the first and definitely not the last. He received the information matter of factly and asked some good questions. And knew he was growing up. Heady stuff, this.

One more step on the road to becoming the man God wants him to be.

*with the help of this book


Targetshopper: said...

I don't know if it's because I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted, if it's the way you beautifully wrote this, or the fact that the boys are growing so fast...but this post brought tears to my eyes.

I'm so weird! ;)

Angela said...

brought tears to my eyes too. they grow up so fast!