Saturday, August 14, 2010

Foot Problems

I have not really talked about it here, but I have had moderate to severe pain in my feet for a number of years, and in recent months/weeks it has intensified to the point where I had to stop walking (for exercise) and couldn't do some of my normal activities that required me to be on my feet (which is nearly all of them actually!). Since we do not currently have medical insurance, I thought the timing was wrong to see a podiatrist. But when I had to start using the motorized cart at the grocery store I realized I needed to take my own advice. I always tell my girlfriends to take care of themselves because they are the glue that holds their families together.


I saw a podiatrist this week.

I have severe plantar fasciitis in one foot in particular, that same leg is shorter than the other one causing me to walk "harder" on that foot, and I have a bone spur in that heel. All of these issues can apparently be relieved by wearing orthotics in my shoes. They had a $30 pair that has an 85% success rate, and a $400 custom pair with a 95% success rate. I thought 85% sounded pretty high, and $30 sounded pretty low, so I came home with that pair. I also came home with a lift in that shoe to even out my leg lengths. I am slowly ramping up to wearing the orthotics all day and I already feel a difference.

I am so very thankful!! And I should have taken care of this a long time ago. If you have a nagging pain or health concern of any kind, please get it checked out right away and don't wait like I did. You may be able to spare yourself years of discomfort, and perhaps nip something in the bud before it becomes serious.

**This has been your friendly public service announcement**



votemom said...

B had that problem in one of his feet. he did stretching exercises for several months and it made a world of difference. did the doctor give you any stretching suggestions?

i wear a lift too for my shorter leg. go us!

Pam said...

Votemom: I had already been doing the runner's calf stretch, with no noticeable improvement, and they didn't suggest other ones. I'll ask at my follow up appt next week though.

I'd like to see your lift some time. Is it removeable and you can put it in any shoe?

lahbluebonnet said...

Curt has had this for years. He was given different exercises to do too, as well as stuff for the shoe. However he doesn't do anything for it so he's back to the podiatrist in the next few weeks. I'm glad you're already seeing improvement!

Marsha said...

Praise God for quick improvements after long-suffering... literally... and for such a reasonably priced yet quite successful remedy.

Love and miss you bunches!!!