Sunday, August 1, 2010

Preparing for School - Weeks of July 18 and 25

The following projects were all cumulative ~ I began them one week on my "Ross day" and finished them all the following week. The timeline notebook on the left is our daughter's that I bought 3 years ago at Rainbow Resource. Our rising 6th grader, son G, has graduated from the wall timeline to having his own notebook timeline, but since the one our daughter uses has been discontinued, I decided to copy hers and make up my own notebook for him. His new timeline notebook is on the right.

Our daughter started her timeline notebook around about the 1500's A.D, so all the pages before that are still blank. I just copied them all onto beige cardstock, and voila! A timeline notebook. The earliest events as recorded in the Bible are left blank as to a date. This is the first page of their notebooks.

I then downloaded and printed out timeline figures from the Tapestry of Grace Year 1 yahoo group. I printed two copies, one for each of our children who keeps a timeline notebook.

Then I filed them in their weekly file (file folders numbered 1-36). Tuesday is normally our timeline day, so when they see the 3 x 5 card in their workbox that says "timeline" they can go get the figures from these files (on my desk) and then cut and glue them into their notebooks.

I also printed out all the lapbook pages and maps for all 4 units of Year 1 and put them in page protectors at the front of the corresponding week in my Tapestry of Grace binder.

I'm so glad the bulk of my annual summer printing is over!!

1 comment:

Teacher/Mom said...

And now I know what that nagging feeling of forgetting to do something is all about. I forgot to print the time line figures! Thanks for reminding me - I've got one week to get it done. Blessings.