Saturday, July 31, 2010


Little Man, while hugging me and seeing a hint of cleavage at the top of my shirt: "Mommy, you have a breast line that I can see."


Son G at the dinner table, after an afternoon of chores: "My side of the bedroom is 'mommy clean' but Little Man's side isn't very clean."

Little Man: "Well, I couldn't clean my room because I had a really bad headache."

Son L, while rolling his eyes: "Welcome to the land of excuses!"


(For this next conversation, you need to know that Mr. Ed is the kind gentleman who has loaned us a vehicle for the past month)

Son L: "Mommy, you know that verse in the Bible that says our good deeds will be tested in a fire, and some will be burn up like hay and some will shine like gold?"*

Me: "Yes."

L: "Well, Mr. Ed is going to have lots of golden good deeds in heaven!"

*I Corinthians 3:12-13


Greg said...

I love these! They make my day...Love you sis.

Targetshopper: said...

Awe, that last one is really sweet! And don't you love it when our kids see and experience God's love and people's generosity/obedience. So cool! And "the land of excuses" is hilarious!