thanks to my friend Marsha, I have instituted a new checking/correcting routine this week that has worked WONDERFULLY. Here is the daily assignment chart for one of my boys.
As he does each task, he moves the little velcro square to his "done" chart. This part of the routine is not new.
What is new is the last square. The one that says "Checkout with mom". My friend Marsha is brilliant! Before each child is truly done for the day they must check out with me. During check out I correct all their work for that day, with them sitting next to me making immediate corrections if needed. This is keeping my children accountable for doing all their assigned work for each day, and keeping me accountable for correcting it! I know it's only been three days, but oh what a difference!
It does take time, but the best things in life do.
Thank you Marsha!
do u have your own laminating machine?
This looks awesome! I'm having a hard time with that too. I have always usually corrected things after they go to bed and then go over them the next day during our meeting time. But - we've had lots of days where the meetings didn't happen. And there have been lots of times when I sat down at 10:30 to correct, only to discover that what they told me was done was actually not done at all. Hmm - how to work that into our crew.
votemom: no, I wish! I get it all done at Office Max.
Great idea!! I really just don't know how you do it all!
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