Friday, July 11, 2008

New Friends

On Thursday the kids and I drove to a beach to meet up with two families from the Tapestry of Grace yahoo group I am part of! It is so much fun to meet internet friends face to face after interacting online for a long period of time. Wendy and Penny and I felt like we had known each other for years! We had a wonderful time talking and playing in the water and sand.
Wendy's 4 year old son, and Penny's 10 year old daughter.

From l to r: My son G, Wendy's 7 year old son, my C and L, and Wendy's 9 year old son. These boys were in dig heaven!!

A sandy sandwich!

Daughter G with her finished sand castle.

Me, Wendy, and Penny.

If you are a regular blog reader and you read my "Fear" post a few days ago, you may wonder at our choice of meeting at a beach. Well, it's where Wendy was camping, and she had already driven across several states to get there. I did have some nightmares and trouble sleeping a few nights before, but I quoted scripture to myself liberally, told my hubby that I was not going to let fear rule my life, and had him pray with me the night before. God, as always, was gracious in answering. The slope was very gradual so there was shallow water for a long way out, and the waves were not too high. We all, even me, had a lot of fun, and I am so thankful for this opportunity to meet old friends for the first time!


votemom said...

that is so great that God blessed all of you with a wonderful day - hooray!!

BlessingintheBattle said...


lahbluebonnet said...

I am so glad y'all got to meet!

lazy susie said...

What a great day!