Monday, July 7, 2008


This is a case of the older teaching the younger, and since the "older" in this case was 9, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of correct theology he imparted to his younger brother!

3 year old Little Man: God hates bad guys.

9 year old G: No, God doesn't hate bad guys. He loves bad guys.

Little Man: No, he *hates* bad guys! They go to hell.

9 year old G: Well, they do go to hell if they don't love Jesus, but the Bible says that God loves the world, that means everyone.

Little Man, getting quite insistent and upset: NO! He hates bad guys!!

9 year old G: He hates what they do, but he doesn't hate them. He gives them a chance to say they're sorry and to be forgiven. Then if they love Jesus they get to go to heaven.

(clearly, Little Man cannot wrap his 3 year old brain around this concept) Crying and talking very loudly: Bad guys go to hell!

9 year old G (borrowing a tactic from mom and choosing not to argue with a 3 year old): You're right, a lot of bad guys go to hell.


Targetshopper: said...

That is sweet. Don't you just love it when your children speak and teach truth to each other!?

votemom said...

that is hysterical!!

lahbluebonnet said...

I enjoyed hearing how your older son tried explaining truth to his younger brother. =)

Beth in Texas said...

This is terrific. Were you jumping up and down for joy? I have an 11 year old who can't do this well -- at least at the deflection part at the end. Is that because perhaps I haven't modeled it well?