Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Me, as I was passing out chocolate chips as a surprise treat: "You may have 3 chocolate chips because you're 3".

Little Man: "Actually, in my mind I'm 5."


lahbluebonnet said...

LOL I like that kind of thinking! Well, let's see, in my mind I'm...hmm. The problem is when we become a certain age we don't like to think about that! LOL

votemom said...

hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is great!

lazy susie said...

I can relate. In my mind I am about 22. If that.

My waitress the other day told me that she still feels 16; it was her 19th b-day.

Oh, and then there are those days when we feel about 92. Don't like those much.