Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dancing Lessons!

We had some dancing lessons in our house after watching the movie "Enchanted" last week (by the way, except for a couple of issues, we really liked the movie). Here is the lesson that daughter G had:


Beth in Texas said...

FM#2 really wants to see Enchanted. I took the DP to see it while the boys went to another movie with my Beloved when it was out in theatres. I hated the movie because I have an extreme fear of heights and you know that scene at the end where they are up high? Well, that just scared me to death. So I refuse to show it in our home but not because of any out and out objections to content (just a few like you). So I'll send FM#2 up to your house so he can watch it. :-)

Targetshopper: said...

As you know, I love that movie!! The dancing lesson with daddy is very sweet! Of course, I laughed out loud when the boys joined the mix.

lahbluebonnet said...

I tried to talk my kids into learning the minuet for their Year 2 Unit 4 celebration but no way they said. Now dd wanted to learn and do it as a demo for Year 3 Unit 1 to go with her Pride and Prejudice talk. Sadly we never had to the time.