Monday, October 27, 2008


As I was putting Little Man down for his nap this afternoon......

Little Man: "Did you know I actually know a lot more than you?"

Me: "Yes, I knew that." (sometimes it's just easier to agree, you know??)

Little Man: "Then......(with an impish smile).....what am I thinking of right now?"

Me: "You're thinking about what a great nap you're going to have!??"

Little Man: "Nope. I'm thinking about our next camping trip."


votemom said...

CUTE!! i love your little "overheard" posts.

Rebekah said...

so cute! i too love the overheard posts.

we'd love to check out your crib. it's the first thing on our list of things we need. do you have a mattress as well?

ebony's kids are 2-6. the older two are girls, and the younger two are boys. i've picked up a few things so far, but i don't really have anything girly.